Google Cloud Code for IntelliJ

Komal Agrawal
2 min readApr 7, 2023


Cloud Code provides IDE support for the full development cycle of Cloud Run, Kubernetes, and App Engine applications, with run-ready samples, out-of-the-box configuration snippets, and a tailored debugging experience.

Cloud Code also provides better integration with Google Cloud tools like Cloud Source Repositories, Cloud Storage, and a variety of Cloud libraries.

Fig: Cloud Code: Kubernetes

Here’s a snapshot of what Cloud Code has to offer:

  • Streamlined deployment to Cloud Run: Deploy your Cloud Run services directly from the IDE to Cloud Run (fully managed).
  • One-click Run on Kubernetes: Develop your Kubernetes clusters right from your IDE, using Skaffold. Configure Skaffold to use your desired build and deployment strategies: works with kubectl, Helm, Cloud Build (for remote builds), Jib, and Kaniko.
  • Continuous development on Kubernetes: To maintain a tight development inner loop, you can enable continuous development, and your changes are reflected in near real-time! With any changes to your Kubernetes config or code, Cloud Code will rebuild the container(s) and rerun your application.
  • Easy maintenance of resources: Monitor your Cloud Run and Kubernetes resources from within your IDE by streaming and viewing logs for your resources using the Cloud Run and Kubernetes Explorers. You can also start, stop, and track the status of your clusters using the cluster dashboard.
  • App Engine integration: Migrate your App Engine application to Cloud Code, where you can run and debug locally for applications in the standard environment, and deploy applications in either the standard or flexible environment.
  • Custom samples: Set up and share repositories of application samples, custom to your organization, to get your team started quickly.
  • Compute Engine integration: View the Compute Engine VMs running your applications, establish connections to your VMs using SSH, view application logs, and upload files to a VM.

Thank you :)



Komal Agrawal

Test Engineer @HCLTech, GCP DevOps Certified, Reader & Writer