Google Cloud — Multiple VPC Networks

Komal Agrawal
1 min readAug 9, 2022


A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network is a virtual version of a physical network, implemented inside of Google’s production network, using Andromeda. A VPC network provides the following:

In this lab, you will learn how to create custom mode VPC networks with firewall rules, create VM instances using Compute Engine, explore the connectivity for VM instances across VPC networks, and create a VM instance with multiple network interfaces

Video Link:

Steps for setup of multiple VPC Networks

Task 1. Create custom mode VPC networks with firewall rules
Task 2. Create VM instances
Task 3. Explore the connectivity between VM instances
Task 4. Create a VM instance with multiple network interfaces

Done !!!

If you want to learn more about VPC network, you can also check below docs:

Thank you :)



Komal Agrawal

Test Engineer @HCLTech, GCP DevOps Certified, Reader & Writer